Initial Designs Mixmag Magazine
After looking into the adverts found within the mixmag magazine, i have produced a variety of different inital designs which should indicate the direction i want to go down when designing this advertisement page.
Firstly i generated some simple magazine cover ideas which were to be based upon the design and layout of the magazine, although not the task in hand, these designs allowed me to identify the common features found within the magazines and how i could integrated these common aspects into my own design work, ensuring that it is also relateable to the track being promoted.
Design 1&2 |
Design 3&4 |
As seen in the pictures above the designs that i have temporarily produced illustrate the way in which colour is a dominant aspect of the design found in this magazine, therefore i have made the link with our concept implanting our powdered paint into the colorful design scheme. Furthermore a dominant message is also produced through the way in which the text is designed and how it is positioned in the page. I have therefore experimented with this shown in the 4th design where i have rotated the challenging the normal horizontal design that most article conform to.
Design 1 |
Design 2 |
Design 3 |
Therefore after these first designs i then moved on to transform the conventions of this magazine i have previously looked into a apply them to a magazine article. The main difference is the fact that the relevant information are shown on these designs opposed to the first designs. By this i mean the only dominant message that needs to be portrayed in this advertisement page is the name of the track and the producers, in comparison to this and the magazine title itself. Shown in design one is an idea that i am particularly fond of, as it is quite a unique design which could be incorporated into our concept. The paint entering water can be related to our powdered paint idea, which could be further developed into the representing youth in a positive light. This may be produced through the inclusion of imagery a common aspect in these 'one off' advertisement pages.
Therefore in design two i expanded upon this idea of using faces of young people covered in powdered paint, these images could be taken from our original footage gathered. In this design i have shown the 'text boxes' to spill into the image above, this is a design feature which i would be highly recommending for us to incorporated into our designs if we include a large number of imagery.
Finally in design 3 i have started to experiment in the way in which the text is displayed on the page, as relevant information like the release date and maybe some background information about the band will have to be shown in this advert therefore creating a variety of different shapes to shown this information will make the advert more interesting to read. Furthermore by adding dots and lines (although not shown in this design) a sense of texture will be created in the advert allow them to become more eye catching subsequently giving out the message in the advert more successfully.
Overall i believe that as our track is produced by a relatively low profile producer, it will be hard for us as a group to design an advert which incorporates their profiles into our work. Yet this allows us to really be experimental with our design work, and has allowed us to make interesting links with our original music video concept. This is something that has already been shown above.