Thursday, 27 November 2014

J.R. Contribution to Production 27/11/14

Over the past couple of days I have helped out in the production of our text bubble idea which we wanted to include in our narrative. I have used the computer programme Photoshop to help me create these text icons and then embedded them into premiere (for more information visit the text bubble preview edit post). Additionally I have contributed to a section of the editing process which can be seen also on the blog in the rough cut post. Furthermore I have also had some verbal input into the production of the digital pack production. This is due to the fact that tom wanted to experiment with the transparent layer and text effect in a different way using the stills I have gathered from our footage. These stills will be suitable for the majority of our digital pack production (album artwork/magazine article).

Screen shots and further editing details regarding the production of the text bubbles will be uploaded at a later date.

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