Thursday 11 December 2014

T.M. After Effects Poster

  • Now that our timeline has all our footage in the right place, our final stages before the completion of our production involve implementing our 'fight for charity' poster around London using after effects. We want to do this so the trip to Southbank, Camden and Brick Lane is relevant to the paint fight event at the end of the narrative, as our intentions are the protagonists are inspired by the 'fight for charity' therefore decide to create their own event.  
  • I ran into many difficulties when placing the posters on varies frames, mainly due to the movement of the camera being problematic.
  • The poster image had to be fixed onto the screen and lined up perpendicularly to the other posters on the wall in this particular example above. The programme mocha had to be used for this due to attempts of reducing the wobble when the camera moved on after effects not working, so a path on the footage was created in mocha and transferred onto After Effects using a null to create a path.
  • Once the image was fixed in place permanently throughout the frame, I adjusted the colour saturation and opacity in order to make the poster blend in with the wall better, so the poster didn't look like it had been edited in. However this was done with care as I still wanted the poster to stand out to the audience.   
  • This process was repeated for two other frames, subtly on a bus stop window where two of our charity event goers are sitting, and noticeably on a wall in London.    

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