Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Group. Reflection of Pitch process

Following on from our successful pitch today, is a reflection of the process; how we each contributed to it, the response from the class and what we are now going to do based upon that feedback.

The class response to our pitch raised interesting discussion which we will act upon when making plans for carrying out production;
  • Using record shops: An issue was raised with the aesthetic of following our characters in record shops in Brick Lane, London, as generally these outlets are associated with older generations, contrasting with our focus through the video on youth. A further point was raised from this about actually obtaining permission to film inside vending areas especially Camden market where the business owner's privacy is called for. To address both of these issues, we will need to make contact with owners prior to filming so that we do not find ourselves stranded with nothing to film. The use of record shops is perhaps not as out of place as it would have been a few years ago, with vinyl copies of records coming back into fashion although this is subject to lifestyle.
  • Joining the narrative: One of the focuses of the feedback was how we were to join all the narrative elements together, with some lack of clarity in how the shots from London will feed into the paint war scene. One of the solutions that was put forward was to create the narrative so that it seems like a party is being organised and withhold this from the audience until the paint war scene towards the end of the video. This could also include a flash montage signifying the build in narrative and pace in the song.
  • Smartphones: One of the concerns for our proposal was using the expensive camera equipment around the powdered paint for fear of damaging it or ruining the quality. After discussion the best solution seems to be to use capable smart phones to film with, which can be put in protective all around cases, which have a deliberately lower quality, giving the impression of home footage placing the audience closer to the action. We will also set up staged shots of faces being hit with the paint at a safe distance, but to achieve the slow motion effect in after effects.
  • Suggestions: We had a filmmaker 'Devin Supertramp' suggested to us who experiments with a similar style of film making that we are aiming to use for the paint war scene.

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