Friday, 3 October 2014

H.C. Reflecting on questionnaire process

  • To carry out our audience research, we created a viral survey on the site 'SurveyMonkey'.
  • The list of questions has been divided in half, the first portion focusing on what our audience thinks about the representation of youth in music videos, and how this representation can be challenged.
  • These generate qualitative answers and will help to inform us in the decision making process leading up to our pitch, directing the focus and message that we want to create in our video as this is the area that we are less confident about.
  • The other half of our survey is based upon finding out which filming style and effects our target audience think would suit our track best. At the top of the survey is an instruction to follow the link to the track. For both parts of the survey, getting our audience to respond to our track is vital, as it ensures the focus of their responses is on the right genre and therefore we will receive constructive input.

1 comment:

  1. ok Harry some valid comments. You would be better laying this out as bullet points and including more key words associated with methodology like qualitiative and quantitative. As me to display key terms in lesson
